The classic advertising formula is AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Follow the formula, harvest massive sales. Theoretically.
But how do you EFFECTIVELY capture the prospect’s attention? Gimmicks, stunts, or just plain old advertising will be more effective if you use the Doppler Cascade.
The premise is simple. Hearing about something new from one source is not nearly as attention inducing as hearing about it from multiple sources and channels. If you hear about that new movie from one friend, that “may” get your interest. But hearing about the new movie from three friends, reading a review, watching a film critic do a movie critique, and seeing billboard advertising for the premiere may more persuasively compel you to actually part with your money and go to the theatre.
Now, AMPLIFY the MESSAGE even further by having each CHANNEL INCREASE the FREQUENCY of the MESSAGE over TIME.
Why does this work? Because your brain, through eons of survival evolution, has been programmed to pay attention to anything that increases in frequency. Think of it as a psychological doppler effect. The Doppler Cascade takes advantage of this instinctive response and also places the message in multiple channels. We get to hear about the movie, see experts critique the movie, have friends recommend the movie, and watch trailers of the movie. Each additional channel (hear, see, do) MULTIPLIED by INCREASING FREQUENCY amplifies the message (a cascade effect) until we go down to the cineplex and willingly part with our hard-earned money for a CHANCE to see that great new show.